August 17, 2011

Our 5th anniversary!

Today I received this email from ebay and realised my little online business is already 5 years old! Wow, what a long way we have come! ^^

It all started back in 2006. After I gave birth to my 1st baby, I was really bored staying at home. Before I came to Korea, I had dreams of doing online selling since that was the in-thing then. However at that moment with a small baby, it seemed to me like dreams could only remain as dreams. I remember I had some friends selling unused stuff on ebay US and had quite some income every month. I really envied them but I just didn't know where to start, what to sell, who to sell to. 

By chance, I came to know about Yahoo SG auction (no longer around) and started selling my unused stuff to Singaporeans. Later I added more and more new items and even started to sell on ebay, reaching out to worldwide. The main item I sold was Korean chopsticks. It has become such a big part of me that when I go to restaurants today, I check the quality and design of their chopsticks. My husband calls it "occupational hazard".

I am happy and thankful that God has provided me with so many opportunities and growth in my business. I never thought that I would be where I am now 5 years ago. Let all praise and glory be unto the Lord!

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