June 13, 2010

World Cup 2010 - Fighting Korea!

Last night was like a festival to everyone in Korea because Korea won in their first opening match in the World Cup.
2:0 against Greece.

Everyone in the neighborhood was shouting with joy. Here at home, we put on our red devil bandana before the match started and got stuck onto our seats. The 2 kids were playing wildly because it was past bedtime and nobody was tucking them into bed. Beer and snacks were lying all over the place. Our Korean Ajershi at home just kept making the kids cheer "대~한민국" (clap clap clap clap clap).

OK, our house was in a big mess but everyone was happy because we won!

Get the Red Devil (붉은 악마) horn bandana to cheer for Korea in their next match!!


Melissa Ang said...

Ya, its the 4 years one time World Cup.. my hubby is crazy about it.. so far, only he is the one shouting 'Dae~ Han-min-ku' Cheer.. his son and me only look at him shouting the cheer.... haahaa..
It's a pity that we are residing in Singapore and cannot enjoy the excitement in Seoul hometown. Korea, Fighting!

jen.soo said...

Thank you Melissa, we will cheer on your behalf here in Korea. :)