March 5, 2010

I was asked to blog !!!! (Koko Living, KAM)

Yesterday was an overwhelming day for me. My daughter (coming 4yrs old) started school for the first time in her life. I had so many things to prepare and trips to make, so my mind was in a mess.

In the midst of these, I got a pleasant email from Kathy, the owner of Koko Living, a social community for Korean-American women. I was asked to blog about my products in her site! Yes, I am excited about the free advertising part but above all, I am most excited about the fact that my work, my store is being recognised and someone in the other part of the world actually knows me and The Korean Baby.

In actual fact, I am still finding my way around Koko Living and KAM (Korean American Mommies) on Facebook. But I am already kind of blown away by the big community there!

Once again, I would like to thank Kathy for this chance.

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